Trauma and stress
Anyone who asks for the meaning and not for the best way expands his perspective
beyond the present into the future. - Prof. Götz Werner
The resolution of blocking traumas is my central motivation.
I am experienced in introducing people to their individual potential, their innate intelligence and their talents and linking this with their experiential knowledge.
In the case of a trauma that can be treated as soon as possible, the subsequent complaints can be treated much faster and more successfully.
- Anne Heitfeld
Biographical advice
Chirophonetics therapy
Trauma-specific chirophonetics - Cranial and visual field therapy
Birth trauma and its subsequent symptoms ( in newborns, infants, children and adolescents ) here:
States of unrest, cramps, abdominal pain, difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, fears, developmental, speech and behavioral peculiarities
Biographical crisis and conflict situations
Exam anxiety with negative stress to panic attacks
Acute, chronic phases of exhaustion, burnout
Post-traumatic stress disorder, here: u.a.
Traffic accidents, including accidents with trauma consequences, concussion, robberies, experience of war and violence,
Consequences of surgery, here: pre- and postoperative complaints, scar complaints
Psychosocial stress disorders, here: Emotional and physical abuse / Psychological violence ... also verbal violence. Relationship-
and family crises; release from toxic relationships